Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. - Kate Moss

Saturday, May 7


Hello lovelies :)

Well.. today wasn't very productive..

Breakfast: marmite and toast (80-the toast is weightwatchers)

Lunch: Half my normal scrambled eggs on toast (160-mum was watching)

Dinner: half a cereal bowl of pasta and quorn mince (250)

Exercise: 3 mile walk (-250)

So my total calorie intake for today is 240.

wow, maybe it was a bit! :)

I felt like shit this morning.. so I slept until 9 instead of 6.

Went into school.... had scrambled eggs before i went in so popped a couple of laxatives before i went..

Went for a run tonight, got halfway through and felt the laxatives starting to work.. my god i have never ran so fast!

Keep skinny my girls!

Chloe x


oh my gosh i have just stumbled across the most disturbing blog ever. It made me actually want to throw up!

It's like, fatblog or something.. on tips for how to GAIN weight.. it's gross.


  1. Have you had any negative experiences with laxatives? What do you do to rehydrate?

  2. no, it just sometimes catches you at bad times!
    I drink lots of water straight afterwards and a glass every hour after that :)

    Chloe x
